Welcome to the Reimer Group
We affirm the importance of an inclusive, supportive environment, free of bullying, posturing, intimidating, or harassing communication, whether verbal, visual, of physical. We recognize that our culture, university, discipline, and research community carry a legacy of “isms” that we eschew. We are committed to fostering a community where all are treated with respect and dignity, and will approach situations with a mind open to taking responsibility for harm we have caused and addressing it appropriately when it is brought to our attention.
As experimentalists we recognize the potential for bias in our measurements and conclusions, and thus commit to verifiable, reproducible results from which conclusions, when drawn, can be tested by others. We commit to the stewardship of data so that our results can be made available to the community at any time. The authorship of our works shall be transparent, discussed, and respectful of all who contribute to the publications. Finally, our communications to the public shall be clear, free of obfuscating language, and respectful of the support the public provides for the conduct of our research.
In these matters we will hold each other accountable to act with honor, integrity, and respect for others.
Here is a short welcome video from Professor Reimer that describes some of our research activities.